miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Brytenwalda released!

It has been a several months of hard work, and it wouln't be possible without the help of all the reenactment partners, Thomas Gabel, Alberto Fuentevilla De Diego, Blacksmith and all the deviantartists which shared their textures. But finally it is here.

Brytenwalda is a ruleset which will allow you to recreate battles and raids during the so called British “Age of Arthur” and Saxon invasion. In Brytenwalda you'll impersonate a Chieftain during the Dark Ages, commanding his men in the defence of their homelands or looting and burning those belonging to your enemies.
Although the Dark Ages were an extremely violent era with a great number of battles and raids, but only a few were detailed in the chronicles, such as decisive pitch battles or those in which an important person died. Brytenwalda is focused on these kinds of battles which the modern wargamer would call a “skirmish”. While you wont be able to re-enact the Battle of Hastings in Brytenwalda, you'll have plenty of fun leading a band of Scot-Irish pirates, a group of raiding Saxons or a unit of Romano-British pedites patrolling the frontier.

Brytenwalda is an open set for mature gamers.
It is open because, as Creative Commons licensed project, you'll be free to adapt the game in any way you feel more confortable with. There is no written in stone rules, you can change whatever you want. You can even set this rules into another time: in Brytenwalda you'll find the rules to create your own warriors or whole warbands so, why not playing in the times of Rome, the Crusades or in a fantasy world?
It is for mature gamers because it is not focused in competitive manners nor thought as game for tournaments. This is just for fun... and fun is what a game should be.

And, of course, Brytenwalda is all for free. You can choose to download the black and white printer friendly edition or the the full color deluxe edition.
We'll continue working on the British Dark Ages, and Blooze and Sir Nigel are into the Spanish translation right now, but if you feel you got something you'd like to share just let me know; I'll be happy to know about it.

Thank you for being there, good luck and good hunt!

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Arthur and Merlin

Known as Arthur Pendragon, but Pendragon is not a surname but a title meaning something like "head of warriors" in Welsh, which could translate as "warlord" or "chieftain". Arthur was not a king, but a warlord in the service of a king, possibly Maelgwn Gwynedd, king of Gywnedd and one of the most powerful British lords of the time. If we seek a comparable figure we have a very close resemblance: El Cid, although we could say that he himself was king (from Valencia).

Like another famous fantastic magician Merlin was also known by many names, such as Emrys, Llallogan or Ambrosius, but his original name was Welsh: Myrddin, later latinized as Merlin. The first reference to Merlin is found in Armes Prydein, Y Gododdin, and his role of prophet or counselor was drifting towards its designation as magician.His biography varies widely according to sources, but it's remarkable his relation with the kingdom of Dyfed (it is said that he was the illegitimate son of a princess), their advice on Vortigern when building Dinas Emrys and its role as guardian of the young Arthur, along with Cynyr Ceinfarfog. Later he directed his steps towards the north after the battle of Camlann, heading to the court of King Gwendoleu. He remained there until his new employer went to war against the kings of Strathclyde and Ebrauc. After the death of Gwndoleu in Battle of Ardderyd it is said that Merlin went mad and disappeared into the wilderness.

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Comitatus joins Brytenwalda

UK based Comitatus reenactment group have also granted permission for using their pictures in Brytenwalda.
Comitatus is Britain's leading Late Roman re-enactment group helping to set a new standard in historical authenticity. Putting on events across the North and down into the Midlands, the group is able to bring to an event a complete living history presentation demonstrating the life and skills of the Late Roman army, including infantry, cavalry, archery, artillery and everyday life.
Take a look at their web.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Romano-British Teulu and bard

Another update, there are few Romano-British to show now ...

First we have Owain mab Urien, son of the king of Rheged, he is known as Sir Yvain thanks to medieval works. He is also son in law of King Lot of Gododdin (brother in law, therefore, of the other two Teulu I showed you above.) Despite the initial rivalry with Arthur he would eventually become part of this Teulu. He was popular by the group of elite cavalry that rode with him, called "The Crows."

Next to Owain is the famous bard Ta
liesin, who served in the court of his father. Taliesin is remembered as having the blessings of Ceredwen, although they come to him in an unconventional way. His works are filled with an overwhelming mysticism, and his writings are highly recommended.
Taliesin talked about Owain in several of his works and he wrote for him the elegy "Marwnad Owain."

Pan laddodd Owain Fflamddwyn Nid oedd fwy nogyd cysgaid
Cysgid Lloegr llydan nifer A lleufer yn eu llygaid
A rhai ni ffoynt haeach A oeddynt hyach na rhaid
Owain a'u cosbes yn ddrud Mal cnud yn dylud defaid

When Owain slew Fflamddwyn it was no more to him than to sleep
The wide host of Lloegr sleeps with the light in their eyes
And those that did not flee were braver than was needed
Owain punished them harshly like a pack of wolves chasing sheep